As the director of COPINH, Berta Cáceres spent the last years of her life fighting 49 hydroelectric dams that she claimed did not comply with law. Honduran authorities have connected her death with one in particular, the Agua Zarca dam.
The Lenca, an indigenous people of Honduras, believe that in the beginning of the world there were no humans on the earth, only animals. Then an alliance was made between the heart of heaven and the heart of the earth.
MoreThis convention, which was ratified by Honduras in 1995, requires that the government complete a consultation with the indigenous communicates affected by the projects before beginning any projects of this kind.
MOREDespite the corruption allegations and clear violation of indigenous rights in the licensing process of Agua Zarca,the government never revoked the dam’s licenses or contracts.
MoreIn the fight against the Agua Zarca dam, the people of Rio Blanco risked their lives and their livelihoods to protect their land.
MOREShe claimed all of the dams received the licenses and contracts needed to operate even though the government had not completed the prior and informed consultation with the indigenous community as stipulated in ILO Convention 169. The table shows the reported dams and their parent companies.
Información actualizada de los supuestos funcionarios que aprobaron con muchas irregularidades el proceso de conceción de licencias para la represa Agua Zarca.